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Campionatul Mondial de karate WUKF , editia a XI a 2023.

Club Sportiv Karate JKA din Romania va deplasa in cadrul lotului national al Romaniei un numar de 16 sportivi si 1 antrenor , 7 dintre acestia vor beneficia de cofinantare partiala de la Primaria Municipiului Brasov, prin cadrul proiectului SI TU POTI FI UN CAMPION KARATE WUKF 2023 , a declarat media sensei Dragos Chiru, antrenorul CS Karate JKA din Romania .

11th WUKF world karate championships 724x1024Bringing the Global Karate World Together DUNDEE 2023

Once again, in Dundee, Scotland, thousands of athletes, coaches, officials and spectators will attend one of the biggest events in the history of the WUKF.

The City of Dundee will host the 2023 WUKF World Karate Championships between the dates 13th to 16th of July at Dundee Ice Arena.

We look forward to welcoming you to Dundee.

Dr Liviu Crisan
WUKF President


Event Details

From: Thursday 13th July 2023

Until: Sunday 16th July 2023

Country: Scotland

City: Dundee

Timezone: BST – British Summer Time